Saturday, June 28, 2008

Have you seen this girl?...She owes me $10

Was at a wedding the other night. Unfortunately, the local pub we went to for the after-party did not operate under the same "open bar" procedures.

To fix the problem I secured the services of a bar patron that looked particularly capable of performing "unofficial" waitressing. I immediately assigned her $50 and alcohol procurement duties.

A drink here and a drink there and she quickly came in handy. Imagine my surprise then, when 45 minutes after purchasing 2 cocktails, 3 beers, 1 water and 8 jukebox tunes for us she was nowhere to be found.

Now I am no mathematician but there is no way that 5 drinks at a townie bar in the middle of nowhere Ohio costs more than 40 dollars, I don't care what kind of tip you leave. Earlier I had split the tab for 5 Jaegerbombs AND cinco Dos Equis with Daniel and those TEN drinks had only been $40 combined. As far as any reasonable person is concerned I should have been due $10 change even after giving her a healthy tip.

Luckily as a Jew I collect on all of my debts. So we immediately googled this girl's obscure first name and incredibly found her picture (shown above). Now, all we have to go on is this picture, which is why we need your help.

If you see this girl, she owes me 10 bucks. She claims to live somewhere in Tennessee and was last seen wearing khaki shorts, a lanyard and a red t-shirt.

...You're Welcome


Anonymous said...

Do you work?

Unknown said...

Yes. Why?

Anonymous said...

the outrageous part of this story is that from the look of the girl I'm willing to bet that you were trying to sleep with her. I like the angle, most secretaries sleep with their boss. Assuming the same employee-employer relationship in the bar should have worked.

Joe Cloyd said...

I'm guessing you could ask one of Pete's cousins where to find her. One of them may now owe you that $10!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

OMG! I totally have no idea who that random chick is! Yet, I still feel the need to post on your blog. If you really want to get my attention, post something about ritz bits sandwiches or Macaroni and Cheese Crackers that my google blog search will pick up. then I can make fun of you AND work at the same time!

Anonymous said...

That's what happens when you give a 15 year old $50. That's a lot of money at that age.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I think she said her allowance was only $5 a week.