Monday, September 15, 2008

Matt Damon rips Palin

Not intended to be funny, but it is interesting...

...You're Welcome

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Jon Stewart & the Sarah Palin coverage

Pretty awesome if you are the type that hates Fox News...

(Thanks to Priscilla for sending this)

...You're Welcome

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fukwa Day 1 Winners/Losers

Day 1 Winner
Day 1 Loser
Hour-long speeches about Courage

Day 1 Loser
The cancelled Fuquavision show that apparently would have only had a 12 minute timeslot anyway.
Day 1 Winner
The inspiring 2 hour afternoon session in Geneen that did NOT get cancelled.

Day 1 Winner
Fukwa dean's news that we "did not lose any professors to other big competitor schools".
Day 1 Loser
People who must have lied when they told me that we actually did lose multiple professors such as strategy Professor Lichael Mennox to UVA.

Day 1 Winner
People who wanted to eat Ice Cream for dinner. [There was an Ice Cream Social at 6pm]
Day 1 Loser
People who feel that if the new cafeteria is so great maybe it should actually be open for dinner.

Day 1 Winner
The newly installed sleeping gas machine in Geneen.

Day 1 Winner
Leaders of consequence
Day 1 Loser
People with big mouths AND kneecaps.

Day 1 Winner
People who like getting a coursepack without being billed $300 on their bursar account.

Day 1 Winner
People who no longer have to receive Lebuff sends emails.
Day 1 Loser
People who get to receive spam from Wed Tilliams instead.

Day 1 Winner
The statistics in "Good to Great" that everyone agrees are ironclad.
Day 1 Loser
The statistics in "Good to Great" that have an "n" of 11.

Day 1 Winner
People who like starting school at 8am.
Day 1 Loser
People who like starting school at 7am (losers because we don't start at 7am until Day 2).

...You're Welcome