Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Belichick on the Draft

"Again, the best example I could give would be that it’s like studying for a final exam. You have a semester’s worth of information and material. Which five questions are going to be on the exam? I don’t know. You have to study all the material. You hope you are on the target for the ones he asks. When it is over, you probably wish you would have studied more on something else and maybe spent a little less time on another area, but that is the way it is in the draft every year. You have to be prepared for everything. In the end you don’t know exactly what it’s going to be."

...You're Welcome

Thursday, April 16, 2009

How the Financial Crisis started...

Some guy made this for his Thesis.

I found it thanks to Dan Ariely's blog at http://www.predictablyirrational.com/

Its a pretty well done video, although it does go a bit long at 11 minutes (feel free to fast forward)

...You're Welcome

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Coach K Highlights

Saw Coach K today. A few highlights:

1) Re: The Down Economy. He doesnt like our country's attitude, too negative. Attitude is important, and you have to have a Winning Attitude.

2) "We [always] want the truth now". Even if honesty sucks, you still want to hear it and without delay.

3) Re: Olympic Team and balancing the right amount of humbleness. You do want humble in some ways, and its good sometimes...

"But when the sh*t hits the fan you don't want humble people"

...You're Welcome