Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fukwa Day 1 Winners/Losers

Day 1 Winner
Day 1 Loser
Hour-long speeches about Courage

Day 1 Loser
The cancelled Fuquavision show that apparently would have only had a 12 minute timeslot anyway.
Day 1 Winner
The inspiring 2 hour afternoon session in Geneen that did NOT get cancelled.

Day 1 Winner
Fukwa dean's news that we "did not lose any professors to other big competitor schools".
Day 1 Loser
People who must have lied when they told me that we actually did lose multiple professors such as strategy Professor Lichael Mennox to UVA.

Day 1 Winner
People who wanted to eat Ice Cream for dinner. [There was an Ice Cream Social at 6pm]
Day 1 Loser
People who feel that if the new cafeteria is so great maybe it should actually be open for dinner.

Day 1 Winner
The newly installed sleeping gas machine in Geneen.

Day 1 Winner
Leaders of consequence
Day 1 Loser
People with big mouths AND kneecaps.

Day 1 Winner
People who like getting a coursepack without being billed $300 on their bursar account.

Day 1 Winner
People who no longer have to receive Lebuff sends emails.
Day 1 Loser
People who get to receive spam from Wed Tilliams instead.

Day 1 Winner
The statistics in "Good to Great" that everyone agrees are ironclad.
Day 1 Loser
The statistics in "Good to Great" that have an "n" of 11.

Day 1 Winner
People who like starting school at 8am.
Day 1 Loser
People who like starting school at 7am (losers because we don't start at 7am until Day 2).

...You're Welcome


Anonymous said...

Good stuff. By far "Courage" was the Day's LOSER. I took away more about courage from the Wizard of Oz than today.

Let's only hope Day 2 brings more laughs than yawns.

arb said...

woo hooo uva!