Sex In The City has apparently made it to the DVD shelves, so I figured I should see what all the fuss was about. I was shocked! It was actually not a terrible movie if you take away all the male bashing. This was one of the biggest surprises of a movie that I was shocked to enjoy, the likes of which haven't been seen since "Music & Lyrics". But, as I continue to perpetually learn the hard way, one should never underestimate Hugh Grant. But anyway, back to SITC...
SERIOUSLY, why so much dude hating?
Steve cheats on Miranda once and she is completely done with him? Come on. They hadn't had sex for 6 months!? WTF?! No, that is not a typo, according to the script it says "6 months" and that was confirmed by the Director when I listened to his commentary on the DVD. I mean if its been 6 months I think that you have to forgive him for cheating. Maybe no sex for another 3 months as punishment or something but certainly you have to take him back.
And none of the other 3 girls can frickin say something to Miranda?! I mean what is the point of having 3 other broads on the show if none of them has the balls to talk some sense into her. Ridiculous.
Meanwhile all the little girls watching at home are thinking "when I grow up I am going to hate men". Good job SITC [this last comment is meant to be sarcastic].
And lets talk about BIG. He is 5 minutes late for a wedding. 5 MINUTES! What, like a girl has never been late for anything before?! A girl has never been a little less than punctual at her own wedding before? Seriously? In New York? With all that traffic? I mean, WTF. Think about it...he doesn't show, she flips and leaves, then he finds her in the street. Ok, there you go, he finds her in the street and then they turn around and go back to the church. Like the people are going to suspect something is up because the bride and groom show up 5 minutes late? Come on! Ridiculous. It would have been fine.
But NO. Instead, Carrie has to try to break BIG's jaw with the bouquet. Instead, little girls everywhere are watching and thinking "if he's ever late for anything, I should physically assault him with whatever weapon is most readily available." Great. Thanks SITC for setting such a shining example for the young females of America.
...You're Welcome